Trust is at an all time low, and like anything that’s scarce, the value of trust is at a premium. These guides will help you increase trust with others, increasing the value of your personal brand!
Move past uncertainty with these two guides
The 10 Forces Shaping Our World
This guide describes a performance ecosystem defined by the hard and fast laws of human nature. It’s universal and it governs all your relationships. Unfortunately, without realizing it, most of us trample on these laws—and it costs us the trust of others around us.
Nature's Vital Spiral
The Vital Spiral is the next step past the 10 Forces. It taps an age-old intelligence, previously buried deep within our DNA. It’s amazing how simply it unlocks the mysteries of our Human Nature! Once you’ve had a chance to examine it, we think you’ll agree that it sets a completely new standard for Emotional Intelligence.
That's why we call the Vital Spiral EQ2.
Discover the surprising yet intuitive forces rooted in our shared human nature. These insights provide an edge for greater success in your personal and professional growth.
Why listen to this?
These forces create a performance ecosystem that encompasses all of us. They're a very real, very neglected part of human nature. Understand them—and leverage them—to outperform everyone else, because most people are still behind this curve on this.
This audiogram will help you navigate whatever lies ahead with greater ease and success. Because there’s such a huge advantage here, I take a full 17 minutes to discuss these truths. The audio format lets you download the file and take it with you, and when you’re ready for more, get on my calendar!
Don’t forget: the code you find in this guide is worth 50% off your next Future Redesign program!

This is the Entrepreneur’s Edge!
Once you listen to the audiogram, you’ll begin to incorporate these concepts into your natural thinking process. Daily hassles become less of a challenge. Your new insights will streamline and improve interactions with others. Most importantly, your new grasp on human nature will allow you to observe life from a higher vantage point where things make more sense.
Raising the bar on Emotional Intelligence ...we call it EQ2.
Nature's Vital Spiral unpacks the mysteries of Human Nature, for the power to change lives!
What you'll learn
- This process of building relationships is hard coded in our DNA. It’s universal.
- With enough relationships, our shared experiences define cultures, large, and small.
- The spiral grows from the bottom up. A disturbance at any level can collapse the layers above it, and we start from there again.
- To diagnose a situation gone wrong, study the behaviors and make a link to the feelings behind them. Next, identify the underlying beliefs that would cause such feelings.
- Whatever outcome you want to change on the upper segments of the spiral, to be successful, you have to change the beliefs involved.
This too, is part of the Entrepreneur’s Edge!
The Vital Spiral is a straightforward diagnostic tool with many deeper truths to support you. But make no mistake, you’ll immediately begin to benefit from what you learn here!
Curious? We're here to support you on your entrepreneurial journey. Hit us up with a calendar appointment and we'll show you how it can all be tailored to your specific needs!
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Click on the calendar to book one of my “How can I help” meetings. It’s fun and will give me the information I need to create a plan tailored to your needs.
If you’re interested, reserve your meeting now…I have to limit the number of new clients I take on each month.
Take advantage of this free offering!
Click on the calendar to book one of my “How can I help” meetings. It’s fun and will give me the information I need to create a plan tailored to your needs.
If you’re interested, reserve your meeting now…I have to limit the number of new clients I take on each month.
The Future Redesign Programs are a partnership in your success. Equip yourself with the tools, insights, and mindset necessary to grow as a person, excel in your business pursuits, and remain in alignment with your long-term goals! Book an appointment and find out how!
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