This simple video was quite literally the first stone in the Connect foundation of ideas. It was the result of a meta-analysis on the behaviors people expect from others. Expectations that are not always met.
The expectations fell neatly into the six categories called out in the video. To these six we matched up categories of behavior to support the expectations, as well as the intended results.
This stood out as an plainly academic exercise until the second stone, the Connect Behavior Matrix. Here we added six specific behaviors to each of the twelve categories. Making them actionable exploded their value, because specific behaviors can be observed, measured, discussed, and coached.
This simple video was quite literally the first stone in the Connect foundation of ideas. It was the result of a meta-analysis on the behaviors people expect from others. Expectations that are not always met.
The expectations fell neatly into the six categories called out in the video. To these six we matched up categories of behavior to support the expectations, as well as the intended results.
This stood out as an plainly academic exercise until the second stone, the Connect Behavior Matrix. Here we added six specific behaviors to each of the twelve categories. Making them actionable exploded their value, because specific behaviors can be observed, measured, discussed, and coached.
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