Future Redesign + Ai
Imagine an AI that’s fully aware of Connect’s advanced concepts and principles for building solutions and relationships anchored in trust…
Origami, what’s the quickest way to establish trust on a first phone call?
Origami? How should our two transition teams prepare for the upcoming merger so that we infuse trust right from the start?
Hey, Origami…my teenage son is starting a new school. How does he get connected to the kind of kids he can trust and maintain healthy boundaries?
It’s simple—and once you’ve had a chance to experience Origami, you’ll think it’s pretty amazing! Origami is your Member’s Only resource for guidance and support in expanding your circle of trust. The critical factor in any endeavor or situation is building and working from relationships anchored in trust. Origami will consistently provide you with Connected insights, to make sure you’ve thought of everything.
Members Insight

There's nothing more central; nothing more critical
If you’re new to Future Redesign and the Connect platform you’re fast learning that trust—and damaged trust—are central themes to all that we do. You’re also learning how pervasive, or more accurately, invasive damaged trust is. We’ve been wading through it knee deep our whole lives, so it just feels natural. I assure you, it’s anything but. Damaged trust underminds all that we do. Heck—even Origami knows that!
Why all the fuss about trust?
The more scarce something is the more valuable it tends to be. That’s certainly true when it comes to trust! As you probably know, or at least can feel, trust has been shrinking all around us for years. Trust in our institutions and trust in the people around us.
So, why is it so stressful?
That’s easy. Take a moment and do this mental comparison involving your life.
First, think of everyone you’re connected to: family, coworkers, friends, and all the people where you shop, your doctors, lawyers…everyone. Now, imagine you can 100%, completely trust all of them. They’ve got your back and with their support, you can accomplish anything! …feels great, right?
Next, same you, same life only now you can’t trust any of those previous supporters farther than you can throw them! Nobody has your back, and now? Now you accomplish next to nothing! …it sucks, right?
Member's Insight

There's nothing more central, and nothing more critical
If you’re new to Future Redesign and the Connect platform you’re fast learning that trust—and damaged trust—are central themes to all that we do. You’re also learning how pervasive, or more accurately, invasive damaged trust is. We’ve been wading through it knee deep our whole lives, so it just feels natural. I assure you, it’s anything but. Damaged trust undermines all that we do. Heck—just ask Origami!